Archive for December 9, 2008

Not quite sure what to get for that lovely stocking stuffer. All the salve and lotions bought up at Bed, Bath & Beyond? Then I have just the answer for you, folks. Step right up, come one, come all. I checked out a cyber home that I traipse through from time to time and found a winner on “MyConfinedSpace”.

Genius for the faith-loving, but not-quite-committing to any Church type in your life. Enter a sacrosanct deck of FAITH CARDS, good for any faith, belief or culter, organization out there. (Sorry, Tom Cruise. Please don’t sue).

Now, if you fancy a true LOL moment, go the last aforementioned link, Wall Watchers. First time I saw these, I pelted everyone in my trite HiScrivener inbox, and then figured why not. Let’s spread the holiday/HOLY-day cheer with these thing. Lovely!

Here are some other adorable snap shots:


Bob Jones University is one of those odd educational institutions that sound like some dude went into business for himself, but instead of selling Avon, he sold collegiate degrees.

That said, one one man is in charge of anything, the organization’s bylaws tend to reflect is own personal feelings. In 1927, “Bob” opened up the doors to his college in South Carolina. And consequently, closed the doors to any incoming student who was you know, black.

In 1971, that changed. And then in 2000, white and black students were allowed to date. No, seriously. Now, in 2008, BJU has thought it a god idea to publicly apologize for it all.

bju-klanning-around1“Like any human institution, we have failures as well. For almost two centuries American Christianity, including BJU in its early stages, was characterized by the segregationist ethos of American culture. Consequently, for far too long, we allowed institutional policies regarding race to be shaped more directly by that ethos than by the principles and precepts of the Scriptures. We conformed to the culture rather than provide a clear Christian counterpoint to it. In so doing, we failed to accurately represent the Lord and to fulfill the commandment to love others as ourselves. For these failures we are profoundly sorry.”

Listen, this was a school that admitted its polarizing views on race was molded by culture, and NOT the Bible. Never mind the fact this was an ecumenical institution. Jesus aside… if he looks like that infamous starlet choir boy, then that’s good enough for them. Oy!

But what do you think is really behind this mea culpa decades later… as if that whole Civil Rights Movement wasn’t enough of an opportunity. I got it…

The next time BJU’s PR team is rocking back in its collective office chair thinking that statement was holistic and encompassing, consider this. We see right through you on the Wall.

Businesses are flummoxing. Bigger ones are getting bailed out. Oh, I don’t know, THE ECONOMY!? How many Christian students have given Bob the peace sign for another faith-based college because of their views on race? Thousands? Maybe now, those students are being noticed in the form of pink bills.

Just a thought.