Archive for December 15, 2008

Two thugs in L.A. prove that the Christmas spirit doesn’t always promote good will toward all men, as they robbed and beat a man so bad that he’s in critical condition this evening.

The victim? Pastor Dennis Warman of the Church in the Valley (which has no Web site). The crime? Robbery, while putting up the Christmas lights on his church!

Pastor Warman’s wife and daughter interrupted the assault, and his wife even chased those heinous, one-way-to-pass-to-hell fools about 50 feet down the street ready to beat them with a Les Paul Stratocaster before she turned back around to render aid for her husband, who is now in a medically induced coma at Loma Linda hospital.

You know, I just changed my mind. All I want for Christmas is for some one in Los Angeles to stand up, do the right thing and call crimestoppers and get those thugs arrested and charged for attempted murder. Prayerfully, he’ll be home for the holidays.

Wall Watchers, pray for this man and watch the TV below for more information. Godspeed, pastor.

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more about “L.A. Pastor beaten while putting up C…“, posted with vodpod

born-this-wayOne of the most popular and feng shui arguments of homosexuals is, “We are just born that way.” Well, uh, not so much.

You are born in the image of God, and according to his likeness, but you know, a guy has to make choices… and yours involve other guys, or whatever the case may be. That catch phrase has made headlines everywhere and even got religious folks second guessing the aforementioned note in Genesis.

There’s this popular aphorism, “If you can’t beat them, join them.” Would it surprise you that it seems one faith-centric researcher at the University of Oxford is taking that idiom out for a spin?

Dr. Justin Barrett, a senior researcher at the University of Oxford’s Centre for Anthropology and Mind, claims that young people have a predisposition to believe in a supreme being because they assume that everything in the world was created with a purpose. He says that young children have faith even when they have not been taught about it by family or at school, and argues that even those raised alone on a desert island would come to believe in God.

Sure, this looks good for a tenured professor but here is some anthropology for you, and I’m sitting here in my skivvies (great visual, eh).

You ever sit in a chair without looking at it? How about start a car without checking an engine? Maybe take a pill when you have a headache? It takes faith to do all that with success. No one wants the chair to break, the engine to not turn over and the tylenol to work its mojo on your feet instead of your migraine. That’s why this epiphany doesn’t impress me.

Listen to logic: Anyone remember 9-11? Public conscience about God was flaring at an all-time high. People from all walks of life and dregs of society were holding hands and singing Kumbaya because everyone was willing to give this God a whirl. Then, when President Bush (like him or not) warded off U.S. bound terrorism for a few years, things went back to normal and folk thought they didn’t need to force allegiance to Jesus any longer.

However, what do people scream when tragedy strikes? “Oh, God!” What do people holler in the throes of passion? “Oh, God!” What do people plead when they need something really bad? “Oh, God!” How about the hungover puke-ridden party animal grasping onto the great white porcelain god named Raaallllllllph? “Oh, God!”

Any more questions about people innately driven to worship God? How about ask God? He’ll answer… every time.

public-prayer-boothNow, I have heard of investigative reporting where the “power of the people” discovers who is rogue in city hall, what attorneys are getting mani-pedis on the clock and why a local cheerleader is suddenly selling personal items on eBay.

That, I’m OK with. What NPR did recently, I am not, because bum rushing sites of ecumenicalism – and using a Wiccan priestess as its pawn – is not necessarily how I enjoy seeing my tax dollars at work.

So, the city of New York (of all places) was waxing the sublime and divine when it launched an “art project” [yes, in America, this is how you get away with promoting Jesus… call it “art”] called a “Public Prayer Booth”, seen pictured here.

Oh it’s pimped with a rigged phone booth and even a flip-down kneeler for those who want to rock the rosary, or just make a statement. And this happened, and it wasn’t planned…

To cover the story, NPR sent reporter Margot Adler, a Wiccan priestess and author of two books on paganism. Lo and behold, she happened upon the president of the New York City Atheists, Ken Bronstein, an outspoken opponent of public religious displays.

Serendipity at it’s finest.

The two got together, went to Starbucks and discussed their unquenchable angst for God, Baby Jesus and the Church. Great weekend conversation for two chums, eh? You think there was a angle NPR was stroking for, given their propensity for blatantly offensive anti-religiouser, JESUS tactics?

“There’s no bias in this story and to imply that there is because of a reporter’s religious beliefs is absurd,” said Anna Christopher, an NPR spokeswoman. “[Adler] spoke with several different people with several different viewpoints on the booth.”

Uh yeah. About that? Where are those interviews? Where’s that tape? Maybe it’s just b-roll for the focus of the piece: “Prayer in NYC: Is it really worth it?”

Thanks, NPR. Next time I am touched by watching Sesame Street and something from Yanni on your air waves, and I consider reaching into my wallet… and then change the channel before I give in to lunacy. I suggest we all do the same.