We all have our vices. Mine? I love lists. From “If you could have dinner with three people…” to David Letterman’s Top 10. Name a list amidst a conversation, and I am in for pontification.

I would have created a blog for that kind of thing, but that’s already been done, so I just visit from time to time.

Anywhoo. Imagine the best Christmas you had, that involved in a television set. What was on? Do you remember? Do you have a video tapeer, DVD (sorry to age myself) that is worn to the nub? Can you recite the words to it… in your sleep? I can, and among those movies can recall that one monumental moment that makes you snarf up the soda you just guzzled and blow snot bubbles.

If your shoulders are shaking for coughing up your laughter in your office, then you will certainly adore this list from another brick on the wall, Idol Chatter (of the Beliefnet nation). So, to summarize, here goes [with a certain HiScrivener panache]:

Who did not say what he will shoot out?! That's a #1 movie to me.

Who did not say what he will shoot out?! That's a #1 movie to me.

10. Holiday: The tumble [I had to rent this, but enjoyed this, I must admit.]

9. White Christmas: Piano man [Any time you get that man bellowing that song, it’s venerable and everlasting]

8. Sleepless in Seattle: Dr. Marsha [Just because a movie takes place in December, is it a “Christmas movie”?!]

7. While You Were Sleeping: Mashed Potatoes [Ibid “Sleepless” but for my money, this is the MUCH better moment. A modern-day “Who’s on first”]

6. Elf: He’s Coming [See, just typing that made me crack up out loud]

5. A Christmas Story: The Triple Dog Dare [For my money, this is the best Xmas flick. Ever. #5? Puh-lease!]

4. The Ref: The tie up [Seriously?! You had me until right here]

3. Home Alone: Breaking and entering [I felt so guilty laughing at Daniel Stern and Joe Pesci, but genius stuff]

2. A Christmas Carol: God bless us everyone [An easy sentimental favorite considering the crowd. Timeless.]

1. It’s a Wonderful Life: Zuzu’s Petals [It’s sweet, but this isn’t even my fave moment in this movie. Wings, anyone?]

OK, the “Sleeping” moment is that good, but not really that Christmas. How can you hear the genius of Vince Guaraldi and NOT think of a “Charlie Brown Christmas”. Anyone see the Bruce Willis’ moment in “Die Hard”? Nothing quite says ho-ho-ho like yippie-ki-yay…

But please someone, for the love of Santa Baby Jesus Christmas tell me how in the world the greatness of Clark Griswold is not on this list?! “Is your house on fire, Clark… No, those are the Christmas lights.” Anyone? Ah, “Bend over and I’ll show you” what I think of this list.


  1. […] offering, politics, Pope, religion, Rick Warren, youth group, zionism Huzzah! Another list for HiScrivener to enjoy, although this one is a tad more […]

  2. Phil Naessens says:


    1 and 2 are two of my Christmas Eve traditions (since moving to Greece that is) but what about Miracle on 34th Street?

    Show some luv to ol Kris Kringle will ya?


  3. hiscrivener says:

    Yeah, well “the sleeper will awaken” someday.

    Har har.

  4. wickle says:

    I know, I know …

    You should have seen the scorn on some of my science-fiction-fan friends when they realized that I hadn’t read “Dune.” (Actually, I tried three times, but couldn’t get into it.) Or worse, after I did finally finish it and hated it … that didn’t go over well.

    I know I’m in a tiny minority when it comes to some of these preferences.

  5. HiScrivener says:

    Yeah, I noticed the Charlie Brown gaffe too. Please, who doesn’t hear that soundtrack and being searching for the boughs of holly?!

    SCROOGED! Classic indeed. Inside tale: I went and saw that in the theater, and when Bill Murray is talking during the rolling credits at the end and shouts, “And you, who was talking during the whole movie…”

    I had about 20 people laugh and look at yours truly. Dare I ask why? Good times.

  6. societyvs says:

    Scrooged – what about that gem? I also love A Christmas Story and my fav movie of the year is ‘It’s a wondeeful life’ – but not even a Charlie Brown Christmas made it?

  7. hiscrivener says:


    OK, look:

    “I was raised in an Air Force family, with a very Southern upbringing. I called my mother “ma’am” and my father “sir.” For a long time, I wasn’t sure whether that was a military thing or a Southern thing. It didn’t really matter.”

    This is from your blog. YOU ARE AMERICANA, and you aren’t feeling “A Christmas Story”. You, friend, have moxie. Now, I’ll give you the Muppet Christmas Carol. I just watched that last night with My Fair Lady and Lil’ Wall Watchers. Good times for one and all.

    But you just can’t beat, “Fraaageeelay. I think it’s Italian.” 🙂

  8. wickle says:

    I’m a fan of the Muppets version of “A Christmas Carol,” believe it or not. It’s actually pretty true to the original story, and you’ve got to love Michael Caine singing. (Later Muppet mutilations of great stories are an entirely different story …)

    Mostly, I have to differ with the list. I might be the one person in the country who doesn’t like “A Christmas Story,” so maybe we should just skip my opinion.

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