So, yesterday was an excruciating day – hot, stressed and full of angst.

I’m at work and get in what seems to be a weekly exploration by this one brother-in-the-making about “Why does God allow this?” You know, I’m planting seeds and God is blessing. Avoiding the obvious potholes and reeling in a big fish.

And then, without reservation or concern for Christianity, the most terrible thing happened – one of the frauds known for televangelism run-a-muck, promoting and prostituting stereotypes, and evenhandedly keeping Mary Kay consultants in business rears her Medusa-like head.

No, that's not an epiphany from God. It is actually an idea she had for another cash-grab.

No, that's not an epiphany from God. It is actually an idea she had for another cash-grab.

That’s right, kids. Paula White is back.

Fresh off the road from her world tour at “life coaching” (how’s that working for you, anyway), comes the opportunistic Paula to kick the dust of her ex-hubby’s bankrupt and destitute church, Without Wall-ets.

One week after her ex-husband resigned as senior pastor of Without Walls International Church, Paula White plans to take the pulpit Sunday as the church’s new leader, the Whites said in separate interviews late Friday. White, who held her first staff meeting Friday and spent time looking for a place to live, said she will officially take the reins when she preaches at its two morning worship services. The services will also honor Bishop Randy White, who founded the church with her 18 years ago.

Now, a few other Bricks on the Wall have opined wonderfully about this travesty, but here’s my two cents – spend them wisely.

  1. One week after” – The body wasn’t even cold, and there she is, ready to propagate living in a trailer park squandering gub’mint cheese to make it to where she is today. Keep it classy, Paula.
  2. She is going to lead… a churchDon’t you have to have some sort of pastoral calling to do something like that? I know she isn’t that familiar with the Bible. Sorry, not that familiar with properly applying the Bible. Nonetheless, pastoring is much different than life coaching. You have to you know, love the people… not just look for an opportunity to fleece the sheep and make a sweet Kashmir sweater for the trying winter months in frigid Florida.
  3. Can anyone say career change? This is a woman who decided after her marriage and all that Jesus stuff didn’t work out, she would hit the talk show circuit and leave TBN in the dust. Sure, a few of the mainstream folks were interested in her drivel, but when they realized her act, she was sent packing. Heck, even Tyra Banks kicked her pimped-out self to the curb! And now, suddenly, she has a heart for her nightclub… er, church once again. That’s Paula White if you need her.

“Did I see it coming? … I can say that Without Walls has never been out of my heart or my being, and I’ve never been out of theirs,” she said. “But I have stopped trying to figure out sovereignty and destiny.”

Well, of course she has stopped. She was doing it on her own, and realized she ain’t that bright!

He who trust in his riches will fall, but the righteous will thrive like a green leaf (Proverbs 11:28 NIV).

You know, when a notable person in – or despite – the Church makes a fall, it really makes a thud, huh?

And now, she went back to the only thing she has going for her in life (cough… to pay for all that Botox… cough). A bankrupt church full of innocent, mindless sheep waiting to be sheared.

And why did she have this abrupt change of heart? It seems Randy is ill, seriously. Now, while that is sad to hear, he had a real opportunity to take of his people… and didn’t. Stunning, right?

Instead, he does what regretfully most charlatanseh, pastors in his mega-position do – looks for the easiest transition and kickback for payola.

MEMO to said sheep dangling for a wool-cut, huddle up:

And that is what you want for a pastor?!

I just have one question, you know where a brother can get a smooth Kashmir sweater for the winter months? I get cold really easy.

  1. […] is a husband scorned by an ex-wife who thinks her own miniskry is taking off and White… well, she thinks she is at a swap meet outside Compton most of the time anyway so we will just move […]

  2. […] Her story is a little different in that while she was plying her craft to women with “weaves, government cheese and jheri curls” (three words you can hear in any message she delivers), her Camelot was crumbling as the church was very much in debt, her son was following in mom’s footsteps offending intelligent black folk and her husband just didn’t get her act anymore. […]

  3. […] Her story is a little different in that while she was plying her craft to women with “weaves, government cheese and jheri curls” (three words you can hear in any message she delivers), her Camelot was crumbling as the church was very much in debt, her son was following in mom’s footsteps offending intelligent black folk and her husband just didn’t get her act anymore […]

  4. Zoe says:

    Because Paula White is a slut and opens her legs for men outside of marriage and doesn’t care what God sees or thinks. THAT’S why she is attacked!!! Jezebel at her best, but God is stopping it now and the Angels in Heaven are glad, so glad!!!! God is going to clean her clock and show her who is boss and it ain’t her stinkin’ money that she STOLE from God’s Saints because we are getting it BACK!!! ALL OF IT!!! AMEN!!! Thank you God for your justice!!! Amen!

  5. GRACE says:


  6. hiscrivener says:

    Who said “they” were in the cross hairs? Just the actions are the source of my angst. Well, that and what those actions are doing to the people.

    And that’s not ignorant… or unbiblical. Just sayin’.

  7. kenny says:

    what ignorance.aint right to judge them!

  8. D Michael says:

    This poor church is probably full of blind mice who voted for Obama

  9. Ike says:

    While flipping thru the TV channels this morning before work I caught Paula White and her guest speaking about relationships and dating. I thought, how truly absurd! A twice divorced TV preacher, now shacked up with another preacher involved in a sex scandal at his own church, teaching and advising on relationships and dating? I could not control my laughter at that point. Seems like Paula White and her lack of any credibility, would be the last person to listen to regarding relationships and dating.

  10. Ross says:

    Hmmmmm………brings to mind a scripture that may cause a stink, but Christ did say He “didn’t come to bring peace”. No……..seriously He did! 🙂

    Jesus the Cause of Division

    Luke 12:49 I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled? 50 But I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how am I straitened [4] till it be accomplished! 51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: 52 For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. 53 The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

    I guess He was serious about us doing “His” will and not our own, huh? So, I am curious how folks view the following, and how it applies to the church…..and IF the body of Christ is weak, as we are experiencing with the “Megamaniacs” and ultra fundies, is it just money that is responsible, or would this also be a factor Are we “rightly dividing the Word of Truth”, or not? Your thoughts??

    1st Corinthians 14:34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. 35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

    36 What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only? 37 If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord. 38 But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.

    To me, and I assure you I am one that has to repent often, so no judgment is being cast here, I have to trust God’s Word, and believe this is correct to interpret this literally. Seems clear anyway. BUT, this could be one of the reasons she doesn’t like PAUL!!!! 🙂 LOL

    Scriptures references are from the King Kames Version, and I looked them up at

  11. gcmwatch says:

    without wall-ets

    Flesh and blood did not reveal that to you. 🙂

    I am stuptefied at the goings on in our modern church and even futher stuptefied as to why anyone would after knowing how rotten these people are continue following them AND giving them money they dont have.

    White is the co-queen of pimptress-ness in the church, Juanita Bynum is the other.

    Truly it takes a supernatural God to understand his children and be patient with them in all things.

  12. craziness. Bentley is back too I hear. not sure which is worse.

  13. theoldadam says:

    The cult of personality in the “church” is a terrible development.

    This is what happens when the spotlight is turned on ‘you’ and what ‘you need to be doing’, instead of what Christ has done for you.

    None of this carrot dangling ministry would be possible, then.

    What a shame.

  14. […] has his thoughts on the recent retake over by Paula White of the WOW megachurch in […]

  15. Pamela says:

    Have mercy. It is really sad to see this. I sincerely hope that both of them can get things straight.

  16. Ann Brock says:

    Do you honestly believe people will return to here this non-sense? I pray not! This woman is the biggest fraud there every was beside Prophetess Bynum.

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